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[Family Challenge Event] Announcement of 'Woorung Family' Challenge Winners

페이스북 트위터
카카오톡 네이버밴드

작성자 영어관리자 작성일 2024.06.03 조회수 117


[Family Challenge Event] Announcement of 'Woorung Family' Challenge Winners

Hello, Seoul families!

We would like to thank all the families who participated in the 
‘Doing small things for our family’ Woorung Family Challenge event.

After much deliberation, 40 families were selected, and the inspiring stories of the se lected Woorung families will be produced and shared as video content.


40 families who were se lected with great difficulty!! We sincerely congratulate you.


The winners' prize will be individually delivered within 2-3 days.


※ Inquire: Seoul Family Center, Family Service team 2, Kim Yeon-mi (☎ 070-7460-8201)

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