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Recruitment Guide for Companies Participating in the 16th Marriage Immigrant Job Fair in 2024

페이스북 트위터
카카오톡 네이버밴드

작성자 영어관리자 작성일 2024.06.27 조회수 82

첨부파일: 붙임1. 2024년 결혼이민자 취업박람회 안내문.pdf
첨부파일: 붙임2. 2024년 결혼이민자 취업박람회 신청서.hwp

Recruitment Guide for Companies Participating in the 16th Marriage Immigrant Job Fair in 2024



The Seoul Family Center will hold the 16th Marriage Immigrant Job Fair in 2024.

We ask for your interest and participation from companies wishing to hire marriage immigrants. 



○ Date & Time : September 5, 2024 (Thu) 12:00~16:00

○ Recruitment Period : until 18:00 of August 2, 2024 (Fri)

○ Venue : Seoul Family Plaza, B1, multi-purpose hall

○ Host : Seoul Metropolitan Government

○ Organized by: Seoul Family Center (Seoul City’s Multicultural Family Employment Center)

○ Operation details: On-site interviews with recruiting companies, provision of job information

○ Participants: 15 companies wishing to hire marriage immigrants (no participation fee), marriage immigrants seeking employment, family centers in 25 autonomous districts of Seoul, employment and start-up related organizations, etc.

○ Application Guide : Please fill out the participation application form downloaded from the notice on the Hanultari website and send it via e-mail (sfamilyc@daum.net) along with your business registration certificate and company logo (AI original file). Final participation will be held after an internal selection meeting at a company with promising job opportunities for marriage immigrants. We will inform you individually.

 (※Participation may be restricted if required documents are not submitted.)