서울특별시 한울타리HANULTARI
For Multicultural Families


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완료 [Gangbuk-gu] Recruitment of Participants for [Kkumdongi Family Education-Pregnancy and Birth Parent Education ‘Growing Together, Our Family’]
  • 등록일2024.06.27
  • 페이스북 트위터
    네이버밴드 카카오톡
자치구 Gangbuk-gu 접수기간 2024-06-27 ~ 2024-07-13 장소 Gangbuk-gu Family Center 1st and 4th floors
모집인원 8 people 지원자격 Marriage immigrants and their spouses who are pregnant or within six months postpartum 문의 070-7462-1991

Recruitment of Participants for [Kkumdongi Family Education-Pregnancy and Birth Parent Education ‘Growing Together, Our Family’] 


At the Gangbuk-gu Family Center, we provide pregnancy and birth parent education for healthy births and first birthdays for married immigrants and their spouses.


- Training target: Marriage immigrants and their spouses who are pregnant or within six months postpartum

- How to apply: Apply by phone (070-7462-1991 / Interpreter/Translator)

- Training location: Gangbuk-gu Family Center 1st and 4th floors (6, Hancheon-ro 129-gil)

- Participation fee: Free ※ Participation is required for all sessions!​ 


- Details 

① July 13th (Sat) 14:30-16:30

 : Have a happy pregnancy as a mother - Prenatal health care, Pilates & yoga for pregnant women

② July 20th (Sat) 09:30-11:30

 : Preparing for happy times for your baby - How to take a comfortable shower for a newborn, how to massage a healthy newborn

③ July 20th (Sat) 11:30-13:30

 : A gift for your child - making a newborn mobile for your child​ 


※ Details may change depending on center's circumstances.



We ask for your interest and application :)
- Inquiry: 070-7462-1991 / 02-987-2567 (ext. 3)​​



※ 본 컨텐츠에는 유료이미지가 포함돼 있습니다. 콘첸츠 전체 또는 일부를 이용할 경우 저작권에 위배될 수 있으므로 인용시 주의 바랍니다.