서울특별시 한울타리HANULTARI
For Multicultural Families


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완료 2024 Seoul Family Center Quick Employment Training for Marriage Immigrants, ‘Shopmaster’ Training Course
  • 등록일2024.07.04
  • 페이스북 트위터
    네이버밴드 카카오톡
자치구 Dongjak-gu 접수기간 2024-07-04 ~ 2024-07-24 장소 Seoul Family Plaza B2 Training Center
모집인원 20 지원자격 Marriage immigrants (immigrants whose spouses are Korean and have obtained F5 or F6 visas and nationality) 문의 02-6265-0041

첨부파일: _최종_센터 3팀 샵마스터 배너20240704 류현주 (1).png



Hello, everyone. This is Seoul Family Center.

We would like to inform you of the application for ‘Employment Empowerment Program Shop Master Training for Marriage Immigrant Women’ training course.

Date&Time : 2024. 07.25(Thu)~09. 02.(Mon) 10:00 ~ 13:00(3H) every Monday and Thursday
Venue : Seoul Family Plaza B2 Training Center (Daebang Station Exit 2)​

- Recruitment Period : 2024. 07. 01(Mon) ~ 24(Wed)
- Target : Marriage immigrants (immigrants whose spouses are Korean and have obtained F5 or F6 visas and nationality)
- No. of person : 20 people
- Training fee : Free
- Textbook : Store Power Shopmaster, by Kang Oh-soon, published by Fashion & Company Co., Ltd., \25,000 (provided free of charge to students)
- Certificate: Issuance of private certificate - Fashion & Company Co., Ltd.
- Instructors: 4 instructors from Korea ICT Fashion Beauty Industry Association
- Training method: training center theory and practical training
- Training content: Day 1  Understanding of the fashion industry in the digital era, future strategies for fashion distribution

                   Day​ 2  Shop master role and posture, fashion coordination production, body type coordination customer service

                   Day​ 3  Customer service, practical training (DISC diagnosis)

                   Day​ 4  Customer Service, Practical (DISC Assessment)

                   Day​ 5  Image making scarf production, personal color assessment practice

                   Day​ 6  Understanding the shopmaster role and CS customer satisfaction

                   Day​ 7  Selling skills, selling method (speech method according to sales situation) Speech & voice training

                   Day​ 8  VM practice (VP, PP, IP), mannequin composition practice

                   Day​ 9  POS practice (sales transmission input, RT management, customer management)

                   Day​ 10  Strengthening practical capabilities, employment consulting

- How to apply: Apply via Google form - Click here to apply ( 2024 Employment Empowerment Program for Marriage Immigrants <Shop master training course> - Google Forms )​

- Inquiry: Seoul Family Center, Center Support Team 3 (02-6265-0041) Team member Ryu Hyeon-ju

Employment Competency Program Shop Master Training for Marriage Immigrant Women​


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