서울특별시 한울타리HANULTARI
For Multicultural Families


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[Recruitment] 3rd Application for 2024 Hangang Myeongsan Trekking (~6/26)

페이스북 트위터
카카오톡 네이버밴드

작성자 영어관리자 작성일 2024.06.21 조회수 57

첨부파일: 3차 포스터.png
첨부파일: 3차 포스터 안내.png


- Event Name : 2024 Hangang Myeongsan Trekking (3rd Batch)

- Date&Time/Venue : 2024. 6. 29.(Sat) 18:30 ~ 20:30 / Ttukseom Hangang Park waterside stage ~ Seoul Forest War Horse Statue

- Content : Trekking program to enjoy in the Han River and famous mountains in Seoul

- Target : 800 Seoul citizens of elementary school age and  older (priority for sports vulnerable groups)

※ Sports Vulnerable Groups : Low-income families, multicultural families, isolated youth, multi-child families (2 or more children), etc.

- Recruitment Period : 2024. 6. 19.(Wed) ~ 26.(Wed) until 15:00 If the number of participants is low, additional recruitment will be held later.

- How to apply : Apply for participation on the Seoul Metropolitan Sports Council website(https://www.seoulsports.or.kr/user/citizenAction/userCitizenProgramList.do?citizenParam=traking)

- Participation fee : Free

- Inquire : Seoul Metropolitan Sports Council Lifestyle Sports Team(02-490-2775)