서울특별시 한울타리HANULTARI
For Multicultural Families


로그인 회원가입
  • 서울시 다문화정보
  • 서울의 정보

서울의 정보 서울의 정보

[Participation] National Institute of the Korean Language_Korean Language Learner's Essay Writing Event Participation Guide

페이스북 트위터
카카오톡 네이버밴드

작성자 영어관리자 작성일 2024.06.28 조회수 51

1. We are waiting for essay writing story from multicultural families. (Scan QR Code for topics and contents)


The National Institute of the Korean Language collects essay writing materials from Korean language learners. Materials provided by learners are registered in the ‘Korean Learner's Corpus Search Engine’ and are used for research in various fields. We ask for the participation of foreign Korean language learners.

Collection period 2024. 6. ~ 2024.12 


2. Participants will receive a prize worth \ 5,000 for each essay writing piece written on the topic (up to 5 essay writing​ pieces per person). However, consent to participate must be submitted.